1. Déchaînée
Pages : 1 ... 39 40 41 42 43 ... 110
#1002 Le 13-05-2021 à 16h35
2 • Déchainée
#1004 Le 13-05-2021 à 16h44
2. Limpide
#1006 Le 13-05-2021 à 17h13
#1008 Le 13-05-2021 à 17h36
3 • Déchainée
#1009 Le 13-05-2021 à 18h05
1~ Limpide
#1011 Le 13-05-2021 à 18h43
#1012 Le 13-05-2021 à 18h50
1. Limpide
#1014 Le 13-05-2021 à 21h36
“Every picture tells a story, sometimes we don’t like the ending… sometimes we don’t understand it.”
2. Viable
“If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense.
Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn’t.
And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn’t be.
And what it wouldn’t be, it would.
You see?”
Balance requires sacrifices. “平衡需要牺牲。” Balance is the key. “平衡是关键。”
#1016 Le 13-05-2021 à 22h14
2 - limpide
#1019 Le 13-05-2021 à 22h33
1 - limpide
#1021 Le 13-05-2021 à 22h40
1 - limpide
Ruushii, ta tenue est sublime! <3
#1022 Le 13-05-2021 à 22h43
1 - Déchaînée
#1023 Le 13-05-2021 à 22h50
1 - limpide
#1024 Le 14-05-2021 à 00h42
1. Viable
#1025 Le 14-05-2021 à 00h42
2 viable